Friday, December 20, 2013

Why not?

Boy Wonder comes running out from getting ready for bed and grabs a pot from the cabinet, drops it on the living room floor and starts tap-dancing around it.  "Watch this!" 
Dad says: "Wow--you should watch the dance scene from that movie, White Knights"
Mom shows it from youtube.  A remarkable imitation of Gregory Hinds follows for 15 minutes. 
Then Boy Wonder comes into the kitchen and says, "I need a dance court.  Is there a room in the house we're not really using? ..."  And then, IN complete seriousness. "How about if we move the laundry outside?" 
I, being a mom that goes to great lengths to appease her child and his endless imagination says,
IN complete seriousness: "Why not?"
I finished the day by delicately agreeing he was the "best dancer of our time" and still being truthful.

Monday, December 2, 2013

"Doin' Time"

Mom:  Did you talk about Thanksgiving today at school?

Yeah, we're doing time.

Good thing I had already read the teacher's daily update about them studying timelines.