Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Lame Duck?

When we were driving home from school one day, we saw 32 geese and 12 ducks walking across the road (yes, I counted them).  One of the ducks had a hurt leg and of course, Matthew noticed.  

M:  You should call the vet.
Mom:  No, you don’t really call the vet for animals in the wild.  They either make it or they don’t.  There’s not a whole lot of “caring for” that goes on.   Sometimes the zoo can take care of an animal, but not very often.

3 days later:

M: Mom, you really should have called the zoo about that duck. 
Me:  No, he’s okay.  He was keeping up with the others. 
M:  God has probably healed him by now.
Me:  God doesn’t always heal animals or people that are injured.  Sometimes they just get along how they are.  Can you believe how many of them were there together?
M:  It was probably that some of them were babies that we just growing up and they look like grown-ups.  They haven’t left their parents yet. 
Me:  Yes, that’s possible.  Good point.
M:  (clouding up, probably thinking of big Sister leaving for college a few days before)  Do you think they will ever come back and visit their parents?  (Sniff sniff.)
Me:  Probably.
M:  Some animals are born injured.  Was I born injured?
Me:  No.  (Wondering...)
M:  Aren’t you glad I’ve lived to grow up?
Me:  Yes, I am.
M:  When I get to be a daddy I’m going to have kids.  Maybe I will adopt them. 
Do the injured kids get adopted? 
Me:  Yes, remember [our friends] adopted G--- from China?  He had a cleft palate and they got him surgery to fix it.

The strange thing about this  story:  M didn’t know we were considering adopting a special needs child from Colombia.  No, we really didn’t talk about it while Mr. Supersonic Hearing was awake or in the house.  Sometimes this kid just knows stuff.