Friday, December 20, 2013

Why not?

Boy Wonder comes running out from getting ready for bed and grabs a pot from the cabinet, drops it on the living room floor and starts tap-dancing around it.  "Watch this!" 
Dad says: "Wow--you should watch the dance scene from that movie, White Knights"
Mom shows it from youtube.  A remarkable imitation of Gregory Hinds follows for 15 minutes. 
Then Boy Wonder comes into the kitchen and says, "I need a dance court.  Is there a room in the house we're not really using? ..."  And then, IN complete seriousness. "How about if we move the laundry outside?" 
I, being a mom that goes to great lengths to appease her child and his endless imagination says,
IN complete seriousness: "Why not?"
I finished the day by delicately agreeing he was the "best dancer of our time" and still being truthful.

Monday, December 2, 2013

"Doin' Time"

Mom:  Did you talk about Thanksgiving today at school?

Yeah, we're doing time.

Good thing I had already read the teacher's daily update about them studying timelines.

Monday, November 18, 2013

How sweet it would be!

"Wouldn't it be great if sugar still tasted like sugar, but it had protein in it? "

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The converse is true?

You know how we teach our young kids not to call their parents by our first names?  Apparently, the converse is true:

Dad to son:  Mom said she wanted you to do that later.
Son:  That's "Lynn"  to you!

Monday, October 28, 2013

So Many Thanks!

I just don't know how much to thank you mom and dad for taking me to the Science Center.  Maybe 10 times 100 kabillion.  What's bigger--kabillion or kazillion? 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Hey Mom.  I know it's not true, but it seems like Daddy is changing into Grandma and Grandpa's Dad.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Reinforcements, please!"

So, God can do anything right?

Mom:  Yes, that's true.

Then he could even like sin if he wanted to.

Mom:  Uh, yes, well, no, technically he's perfect and can't..., um...let's ask Dad and pastor.

Or, we could check in the Bible.

Mom:  Yes, we could do that.  

Monday, October 14, 2013


"Don't you think we should take down the bird house while we have the scare crow up?  It's probably confusing for the birds."

Friday, October 11, 2013


Boy Wonder:  "Skeletons aren't just for Halloween you know.  They can be for history, too." 

Mom:  "And for science."

Conversation follows of examples from both sides. 

Boy Wonder:  "Yeah, skeletons are for history slash science."

Laughter from mom and sister. 

Boy Wonder, smiling:  "You like how I said that?  History slash science?"

Thursday, October 3, 2013


As dictated to mom for a writing assignment:

There lived a little anthill.  Thousands of ants lived in there.  Nearby there was a pond and an old alligator lived there.  There was one old little alligator.  One day the ants were going for a walk.  The alligator was too.  “Hi”, said the alligator.  “Hi”, said the ants.  Every ant but one of them was too scared.  It thought it would get eaten.  They said we want to go to the park on the other side of the pond.  [They] said, "We want to go to the park on the other side of the water."  “I think you mean on our pond”, said the alligator.  “I’ll help you.”  So they walked to the park.  They jumped on the alligator.  And he said , “Stop jumping or you’ll fall off.  Let’s go to a picnic table.”  So they did.  They didn’t arrive yet.  He said, “I cannot wait.”  So he ate them—all the thousands of ants in 5 seconds.  The ants didn’t live happily ever after.  The alligator lived happily ever after.  The End. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Double Dose

When decorating the scarecrow for our front porch and looking for noise makers to put on it to scare away the birds:  "Or, you could use something that looks like a gun cause birds probly don't like to be shot."


Over the weekend when Mom said, "No sleeping right now!" to the girls.  Matthew:  "Yeah and no fake sleeping either.  That can get you into real sleeping."

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"I wanted a friend to follow me around and then I thought I could just let it be God. "

While his theology is on track, I still think this friendly boy wants someone with skin on. 
He was talking about a couple of different friends after that. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sun, Moon and Stars

When talking about the sun, moon, and earth and what happens to the sun at night:  so it's like our part of the earth just turns its back and refuses to look at the sun at night time?

This was my first clue they had started a new unit at school. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Seven and a HALF

"Am I really 7 and a half?  I can’t believe it—when did that happen?  Why didn’t you have a celebration?  Why didn’t you TELL me!??"

Followed by a detailed analysis of what other friends might or might not be seven and a HALF.   

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Please join us for a little laugh when you need one.  My 7 and a half year old son keeps us in stitches every day.  You see, he is funny without realizing it and without trying to be.  He takes everything literally and has a very unique viewpoint.  We thought we would just share some of the fun with you!  Like today, we were pulling into the Y parking lot and he saw someone we both recognized. "Who's that?"  he said.
"I don't know", I said.  "I mean I know, but I can't remember her name."
"You mean you used to know her name and now you don't remember?  That sounds like a magic trick:  You used to know it,  now you don't!"

That's all.  Hope you smiled. Come back soon!